Board-level positions within IRI
[Note! This page is under development and revisions are coming shortly!]
Intelligence Renaissance Industries is well-defined and growing. We are seeking new members for two important Boards within the Company.
[1] Board of Directors - fiduciary and legal responsibilities
Specifically we are seeking persons with appropriate and significant experience and institutional/personal relationships within the broad domains of:
[2] Board of Mentors and Advisors - consultation and treaming roles that serve the Company as well as specific projects with clients and customers.
This Board is unique in that its membership is constituted by persons in a variety of complementary "STEMM" fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) who are able to bring their special expertise and talent-base to challenging problems and needs of IRI clients and customers as part of our delivery of our products and services. Board members work with IRI as consultants on issues relating to prtoduct implementation and often the specific applications by customers with our products.
Contact us directly to discuss your interest and opportunities.